Monday, April 28, 2008

Theodore Turned Twenty-five!

Saturday was Ted's birthday! (Way to drop the ball on that one, Ian.) Ted, please accept this belated blog in tribute to your unholy birth. For the folks playing along at home who were sadly NOT in attendance on the night of 4/26/08, the White residence played host to several booze-toting guests/arch nemesi (& some folks who, I swear, got lost in the middle of Oakdale, heard our music from afar, and just decided "f#ck it; it's a party. Let's go."). There were crackers with cheese, wine, more cheese, gummy dinosaurs, a dancing robot, and KARAOKE. It was a wonderful evening. Ted, I hope you never forget it (except that I'm sure you will, since I slipped you that roofie right after all the other guests left).


Stephen R. said...

Happy Birthday, Ted!!!!!

25! Man, I hope I look as good as you when I'm your age!!!!!

Gummy dinosaurs?!?!? You fuckers know how to party!!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Ted,

Sorry I missed your party. We'll have to celebrate when you come to NH.

Or we could not.


holste said...

Best. Picture. Ever.

Little Bono Foo-Foo...well played, Ian.